Thursday, November 12, 2009

The beginning ... or the end??

I've held off for far too long. So this is the first of the ramblings of a wahm (work at home mum) who is interested in all things craft, kids and a million and one other things. It may well be something that I alone will read, and contain a hodgepodge of different views, thoughts and ramblings, so I'll use it as a thinking board. I'll be as honest as I can, but will try not to offend too many people in the process unless something really gets my goat! I've never done anything like this before so bear with me if it's not in the usual format that these things normally have.

Ok, so where am I at? Well, the thoughts these days are inevitably leaning towards Christmas and Christmas gifts. This year, as well as doing a Kris Kindle (where we all put our names in a hat and pick one person to buy for, instead of buying for everyone), we are also giving stocking fillers to another person. At the moment the feeling is that we might make/bake the stocking fillers, so I've been searching the internet for craft sites for home crafts and gifts that other people have given. I won't tell you what I've decided on making (because I haven't decided!!), but I will say I have across so many great sites e.g. (where you make your own handbags - this is something I will try if not before Christmas, then definitely in the new year, I have to just build up the courage to do it), (the queen of craft and homemaking) - some really interesting ideas there, particularly good is the post on storage which is something we need to sort out.

So anyway, the first thing I am going to try out with my little girls (aged 3 and 1.5 yrs) are the salt dough Christmas decorations , but this won't be until next week as I have to get all the materials first. I'll let you know how I get on when it happens.

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